Hello from Pine Bough Puppies. Let us give you a brief introduction to our (Love for Puppies.) We are Darrell & Barbara Schrock along with our family of children that help us socialize our young puppies. Our focus is raising well socialized puppies that thrive in Family homes and bring enrichment to your lives.
We have a Cavalier mother, a Mini Goldendoodle mother, and a pair of Shih Tzu mothers. Our children love to cuddle little puppies and help them with their first ventures on steps and ramps. When they get a little older soft treats and toys are a highlight for our furry friends. All this helps a lot when they get their first experience on a leash and collar. So feel free to call us and we will get acquainted, and maybe our puppies will be a great fit for your (Love for Puppies)
Sincerely, Pine Bough Puppies
Tuscola, IL
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