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A year in the life of our Family

A year in the life of our Family

the boys learning how to grill meat and fish

a boy planting his garden

a fire in our kitchen

passing time while our care was in the shop

Randall started his welding shop

A year in the life of our family

These are all happenings from our past year. Our children have bee AMAZING through all the changes.

We also are thankful for our customers who were understanding with us while our life as we knew it was uprooted and everything seemed a mess.

The things we took away were number 1. Be sure you have a good insurance company. (We did not) 2. When someone is in need, make an effort to help. 3. You can either let these things keep you down and destroy your family or choose to get up and keep living and make memories with your family even though it may be different than what you had planned.

What I shared here is just a glimpse of our life outside of dogs. We are just normal people trying to do our best with life.

~Laura for the Mast Family Happenings.

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